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Pushing Application Images to External Registry

OpenShift Container Platform comes with an internal registry. By default when you create an application the build configuration is set up to push the images into the internal registry and the deployment configuration is set up to pull images from this internal registry.

Some people may be interested in OpenShift pushing the resultant application docker image ,after it is built, into a separate docker registry that they run outside OpenShift.

Here we will walk through a step by step example to accomplish the same:

Step 1: Create a new project:

Run the following commmand to create a new project

<code> oc new-project ext-image-push</code>

Step 2: Setup Docker Credentials as a Secret

Here I am using DockerHub Registry as an example to push to. But you can use any Docker Registry of your choice.

Note You will not be able to push RHEL based application images to DockerHub

We will supply .docker/config.json file with valid Docker Registry credentials in order to push the output image into a private Docker Registry or pull the builder image from the private Docker Registry that requires authentication.

The .docker/config.json file is found in your home directory by default and has the following info (it may a json file instead of yaml) :

auth: "YWRfbGzhcGU6R2labnRib21ifTE="
email: ""

If you connected to DockerHub before, you will already have this in your home directory. If you are using a different internal registry you will have the respective registry config here (eg: instead of

Run the following command to add a secret to your project that pulls the auth details from the docker config. We are naming the secret as dockerhub. The output of the command shows secret/dockerhub is created.

$ oc secrets new dockerhub ~/.docker/config.json

You can also verify the list of secrets by running oc get secretsas shown below. This also lists the secret dockerhub that we just created.

$ oc get secrets
builder-dockercfg-3073d 1 11m
builder-token-gmhiw 3 11m
builder-token-n7ajm 3 11m
default-dockercfg-35ywk 1 11m
default-token-3zq09 3 11m
default-token-6sgod 3 11m
deployer-dockercfg-gm2fy 1 11m
deployer-token-3and7 3 11m
deployer-token-fgblq 3 11m
dockerhub Opaque 1 2m

Alternately, (let's say you have not logged into DockerHub from your workstation before,) you can use to create the secret by passing the credentials directly

<code>oc secrets new-dockercfg dockerhub --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL</code>

Step 3: Add secret to your builder service account

Each build in your project runs with using the builder service account. To get a list of service accounts in your project run and it shows the builder service account as one of the service accounts that are automatically created for you when you created a new project. Note sa is short form for service account.

$ oc get sa
builder 2 34m
default 2 34m
deployer 2 34m

We will now edit the builder SA and add the secret in there. Run the following command and it brings up the builder service account configuration in your default editor

<code>$ oc edit sa builder</code>

Edit the file to add the dockerhub secret to the secrets list as shown below. Be careful about the indentation.

# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: v1
- name: builder-dockercfg-3073d
kind: ServiceAccount
creationTimestamp: 2016-08-18T23:34:00Z
name: builder
namespace: ext-image-push
resourceVersion: "636656"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/ext-image-push/serviceaccounts/builder
uid: 3db20d64-659c-11e6-9178-fa163e69a197
- name: builder-token-gmhiw
- name: builder-dockercfg-3073d
- name: dockerhub

Now your builder can use the newly created secret.

Step 4: Create a new build in your project

I am using a Dockerfile in a git repository as an example here. Since I am pushing to DockerHub in this example, I am using a non-RHEL base image (busybox).

$ oc new-build --context-dir=busybox
--> Found Docker image b05baf0 (8 weeks old) from Docker Hub for "busybox"

* An image stream will be created as "busybox:latest" that will track the source image
* A Docker build using source code from will be created
* The resulting image will be pushed to image stream "time:latest"
* Every time "busybox:latest" changes a new build will be triggered

--> Creating resources with label build=time ...
imagestream "busybox" created
imagestream "time" created
buildconfig "time" created
--> Success
Build configuration "time" created and build triggered.
Run 'oc logs -f bc/time' to stream the build progress.

Kubernetes creates an ImageStream for busybox within this project and downloads the busybox container image (from DockerHub in this case, as I am using it from DockerHub).

It also creates an ImageStream time to push the resultant application image to, once the build is complete.

We also have a BuildConfiguration with name time that has specification on how the build is done.

The following command lists all the buildconfigs in your project. Notebc is the short form for buildconfig.

$ oc get bc
time Docker Git 1

Step 5: Edit BuildConfig to push to your Docker Registry

Now let us edit the BuildConfig to push the docker registry of your choice (in this case I am pushing to DockerHub).

Run the following command to bring up the buildConfig in the editor.

<code>$ oc edit bc time</code>

Alternately, you can also do this from the WebConsole.

  • Get into your Project
  • Browse -> Builds-> Select time
  • On the right top Select Actions-> Edit YAML

Locate the following code in your editor:

kind: ImageStreamTag
name: time:latest

Note that this is telling the builder to push the output to the ImageStream time with ImageStreamTag of time:latest

Now, we will change this to point to your Docker Registry as follows. You can use the Docker registry of your choice (in which case you will change the to let us say

kind: DockerImage
name: dockerhub

In addition we also add the pushSecret here to let the builder use that particular secret while pushing into this registry.

Be extra cautious with indentation

Temporary Change Currently we are running an issue as DockerHub suddenly switched to a new version and stopped supporting older manifests. We need to do a quick workaround until we take care of this incompatibility. Make one more change to the buildConfig to use dockerimage for busybox, instead of pulling from ImageStream.

This code needs to be changed

kind: ImageStreamTag
name: busybox:latest
type: Docker


kind: DockerImage
name: busybox:latest
type: Docker

Step 6: Run Build

Now we are done with the changes to the build configuration and ready to run the build. This invokes dockerbuild within OpenShift and pushes the resultant image to external docker registry.

Start a new build with the command below:

$ oc start-build time

This started a new build with name  time-2 and spins up a pod with name time-2-build. The command oc get pods will show you the list of running pods.

To look at the logs run

$ oc logs time-2-build -f
I0818 20:53:19.434894 1 builder.go:57] Master version "v3.2.1.9-1-g2265530", Builder version "v3.2.1.9-1-g2265530"
I0818 20:53:19.567803 1 builder.go:145] Running build with cgroup limits: api.CGroupLimits{MemoryLimitBytes:92233720368547, CPUShares:2, CPUPeriod:100000, CPUQuota:-1, MemorySwap:92233720368547}
I0818 20:53:19.648243 1 source.go:197] Downloading "" ...
I0818 20:53:22.620006 1 source.go:208] Cloning source from
I0818 20:53:24.982265 1 docker.go:262] Checking for Docker config file for PULL_DOCKERCFG_PATH in path /var/run/secrets/
I0818 20:53:24.982411 1 docker.go:267] Using Docker config file /var/run/secrets/
Step 1 : FROM busybox
---> 2b8fd9751c4c
Step 2 : MAINTAINER Veer Muchandi
---> Using cache
---> 3a33c3776759
Step 3 : ADD ./ ./
---> Using cache
---> 7c96494a77bb
Step 4 : EXPOSE 8080
---> Using cache
---> 834eef421056
Step 5 : CMD ./
---> Using cache
---> 5217eade1002
Step 6 : ENV "OPENSHIFT_BUILD_NAME" "time-2" "OPENSHIFT_BUILD_NAMESPACE" "ext-image-push" "OPENSHIFT_BUILD_SOURCE" "" "OPENSHIFT_BUILD_COMMIT" "1e1ed2c579f98bc35de25c34952825419bb0a500"
---> Running in 494f09eb61d4
---> 74b746f15b90
Removing intermediate container 494f09eb61d4
Step 7 : LABEL "" "Tue Aug 16 20:28:41 2016 -0400" "" "1e1ed2c579f98bc35de25c34952825419bb0a500" "" "master" "" "fixed" "" "" "" "busybox" "" "VeerMuchandi \\u003e"
---> Running in ca858e5d2ccb
---> 87cb10858edd
Removing intermediate container ca858e5d2ccb
Successfully built 87cb10858edd
I0818 20:53:33.853275 1 docker.go:118] Pushing image ...
I0818 20:53:40.857715 1 docker.go:122] Push successful

Note that an image with tag is built and pushed into docker registry.

Now I can pull my image from Docker Registry (DockerHub in this case)

$ docker pull veermuchandi/mytime:latest
Trying to pull repository ... latest: Pulling from
8ddc19f16526: Pull complete
914f5c514f33: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:644a16ee433086d85797cebb29c0f9ff880d952ef57d55460cc2ff1b0eec742f
Status: Downloaded newer image for

and I can verify the docker image by running it

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -d veermuchandi/mytime
$ curl http://localhost:8080
Fri Aug 19 17:01:19 UTC 2016


We have learnt how to create an application image using the build process in OpenShift and configure the build configuration to push the resultant image to an external Docker Registry. Enjoy!!

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